A chat with TezosThugs

2 min readJan 20, 2022


Legacy creation, thug style.

We sat down with the founder of TezosThugs, Zak, to discuss his awesome growing project, the incredible growth they have achieved, and their prospectus for the feature. We concluded the interview with the team’s key for creating the project’s legacy.

What are we?

We are a DAO within the Tezos blockchain, cryptocurrency, NFT’s, game, and promotion/development!

Who are the founders?

My name is Zak Haberstroh. I have been working on this project for a period of time to bring a great concept to the Tezos community!

My story is:

I’m a 26 year old construction worker. I build decks for a living, so in a way I understand framework and starting and finishing a project. I’m married to the love of my life and have been able to share the NFT journey with an incredible wife. I’ve always loved video games to an extreme depth, from competing at a young age in many games, and learning to develop code within web3 and more. The love for the ever growing future and internet has me inspired to create endlessly.

How did I get into Tezos?

I was hunting around for blockchains with the most security and ability to be widely used and integrated. Tezos hit all those bullet points for me and I was familiar with its code.

What inspired my project and makes it unique?

This project has so much inspiration from every aspect of gaming, pixel art, and relevant times. We all want to be an internet guru and learn the ins and outs of investing! My project is uniquely its own, from the Thug Towers the thugs live in and the matchmaking style Player vs Player game coming to mobile and console within 2022–23.

What do you want the Tezos Thugs legacy to be?

I want the legacy to be that we build community, above all else. Community driven, and focused on becoming the absolute best NFT game we can be. We are so thankful for all the eyes that have checked us out, and are excited to see what’s in store.

You can purchase a Tezos Thug NFT and join our community on OBJKT and join our fun on our discord!

The BlocksOfTime team is thankful for the opportunity to have interviewed TezosThugs and connect with their team. We are always looking for new companies interested in getting featured. Primarily, we seek to answer the question: “What are you doing to create your legacy?”

Keep an eye out in 2022 for the BlocksOfTime platform to launch!

Go build.




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